Resale opportunities
While most of our franchisees stay happily working with us for many years, there are always some who are planning to resell or move on. On occasion, we have opportunities for new franchisees to invest in a franchised territory and buy an established store.
Likewise, if there is a territory you are interested in that already has a Geek Retreat store, it may be that we can approach the current owner with an offer to sell it onto you.
Both of these options have a significant advantage over starting a territory afresh, of course, as you will already be able to tap into the customer base and reputation a successful franchisee has built, and begin your new enterprise with a substantial head-start.
Please contact us if you want to stay informed about any upcoming resale opportunities around the UK, or are interested in making an offer on an existing site.
Resales Available
For more information on any of the following please contact head office and not the branches directly.
*Funding available subject to personal circumstances and meeting lenders criteria
Company owned branch with a long serving team in place.
Available due to Head Office wanting to concentrate on supporting the franchise group
Established communities and a low rent premises ripe for development
Company owned branch with a strong new management team in place.
Available due to Head Office wanting to concentrate on supporting the franchise group